On this page, you can find out how to run a factor analysis in R and how to run Classical Test Theory analyses and Item Response Theory models in R.
This chapter is about factor analysis, Classical Test Theory and Item
Response Theory models in R. For psychometric analyses we use the
packages: psych
, Lambda4
## Before running a factor analyses, explore your data and check the following:
data_new %>%
KMO() # Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure
data_new %>%
cortest.bartlett() # Barlett’s sphericity test
data_new %>%
cor() # correlation matrix
## Next, determine the number of factors. For this, you need to run a
## Principal Component Analysis
# eigenvalues for Kiaser's criterion
pca <- data_new %>%
cor() %>%
eigenvalues <- pca$values
# screeplot based on principal component analysis
# using a ggplot:
tibble(component = 1:length(eigenvalues), eigenvalues) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = component, y = eigenvalues)) + geom_line() + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:length(eigenvalues))
# OR use:
data_new %>%
scree(, factors = FALSE)
## to run a factor analysis with two factors:
model_2f <- factanal(data_new, factors = 2, rotation = "varimax")
Running the previous code on a real data set, will not show you the
results of the factor analysis. You need to type in
in the R console to see the results.
Please note that in the output of a factor analysis, a Chi square statistic is shown. This Chi square statistic belongs to a test for the model fit. The null hypothesis for this test is: the model that is used (in the example: a model with two factors) fits. A non-significant result is thus preferable, as we do not reject the null hypothesis then. But, large sample sizes easily give significant results. Because of that, we would like you to ignore this part of the output completely and focus on the interpretation of the factors instead.
# analyze the data
results <- dataset %>%
as.matrix() %>%
# show Cronbach's alpha
# show Cronbach's alpha if item removed (deleted),
# p-values (=ItemMean), and item rest correlations (=pBis)
# Compute lambda 2
dataset %>% guttman() # lambda 3 = Cronbach's alpha
# a 1-dimensional model with 2 parameters per item
out2 <- dataset %>%
mirt(., model = 1, itemtype = "2PL")
out2 # to see Akaike’s Information Criterion
# a 1-dimensional model with 1 parameter per item
out1 <- dataset %>%
mirt(., model = 1, itemtype = "Rasch")
# to extract the estimated parameters of a model:
par2 <- out2 %>%
coef(, IRTpars=T, simplify=T)
par2$items #to see the parameters
# information plots
out2 %>%
itemplot(, item = 1, type = "info") #item information plot for item 1
out2 %>%
plot(, type = "info") #test information plot
# assessing the item fit
out2 %>%
itemfit() #for all items
out2 %>%
itemfit(,empirical.plot = 6) #plot for item 6
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